Thursday, October 25, 2012


Welcome to the Midwest! Woke up this morning @ 6:30, sat on the back patio with my cup of Joe to a bit of a chill in the air. Things got a little warmer, up to 80 degrees in the house, then came the storm and the temp dropped down to 60!
Good news is I got some lacquering done today. Took quite a bit of time to tape off all those panes of glass! Just have to do the back of the doors and she is finished!
Cant wait to deliver it to the customer. She has not seen any pictures, so this could be adventurous! I hope she likes it! If not, I've had a few other offers for it!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall Cleanup

My poor shop. When you get in the thick of a project, order goes out the window and chaos ensues. Tools everywhere, sandpaper discs on the floor, LEAVES in every nook and crannie. Time to bust our the broom (and dust mask!). I spent 2 hours tonight vacuuming, dusting & wiping down the big tools. Was going to start putting lacquer on the Distressed Display Cabinet doors & shelves, but little black bugs were flying everywhere, and would get stuck in the finish. I guess the warm weather the last few days brought them out of hibernation. BOO. Ah well, as the French say, "C'est la vie".

Welcome to Majic Woodworks Blogspot!

Welcome to Majic Woodworks blog. Hopefully I can continue to post frequently. I plan to keep anyone who cares (LOL) abreast of my current projects, posting “during” photos and ultimately finished projects